Planting Day

Planting day is finally here!  Many factors are considered as each flower variety is chosen prior to planting day. We consider what has grown well in the past, new combinations offered and we always try to choose a wide variety of colors as well as flower species. The combination of flowers in each basket are carefully decided based on information gathered from trade shows, visiting wholesale nurseries and research.  We know preferences are as varied as our flowers so we always try to offer a wide array of options.

Planting day is when the real fun begins. This is a family event with a few of Dave’s children and grand-children always gathering to help. Between mixing soil, filling, planting, watering  and hanging hundreds of baskets there is a job for everyone. This year we planted just under 200 baskets which took about half a day's work.  It's truly a satisfying site to see it all come together. Soon the greenhouse will be overflowing with growth as each basket thrives and fills it's space.

Planting day is finally here!